Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rings, Cup Cakes, Fall, Flowers

I just realized how much I enjoy this transition from summer to fall.

The hot sun and a frigid breeze.

I'm in love.

I experienced my first macaroon yesterday.

Crispy on the outside, soft, fluffy, and buttery in the inside!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

:{ ]

I was very stressed out
without knowing you made me smile and
forgot what I was stressed about .

Friday, August 20, 2010

so much going on ...

light switch

click click click

my brain is off and on these days

feeling exhausted mentally, physically, spiritually.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

God Willing ...

This is not our world

many believe they can concur it

Friday, August 6, 2010


peoples thoughts are always changing.
what they want and need.

whats around you, at that point and time.

is this a play of chance you feel a certain way.
or destined to be.

Friday, July 9, 2010


what does God want me to do !?

I feel Lost

I Feel like no matter what I cant seem to move forward

I don't like where I am...

I don't feel comfortable and helpless

I feel like a mouse stuck in a box thats too tall to climb over !

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Made my day !

" ...I will do my part by praying for you ..."

Friday, May 28, 2010


There is so much life can offer and sometimes its overwhelming.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


keep my promise

Two years

can I do it?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So Happy

To have great friends ! :]

Saturday, April 3, 2010


When I meet a person

I automatically trust them.

I need to learn how to fix this.

But its sad that I have to.


What you are doing is W R O N G.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What am I going to do now?

What to get done first? (O.O)

Get my application done.
Register for My NCLEX.
Study for NCLEX.
Find a JOB.

I just got done sending in some job application to a couple of hospitals ! Hopefully I will get the job! eEeK !
pray pray pray pray

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week day fun :]

Picture explains it all :] :] :] :]
Paseos = yummy in my tummy MmMm MmMm Good :d


Monday, March 15, 2010

Cant live without family and loved ones

I thought I was strong and could go out a live on my own!
Hoo rah! right?
No, I thought wrong.
I figured out I am such a weakling . (I'm so boring TT.TT)

The past few days I was home alone.
so lonely.
I talked to myself or the dogs.
Ate and laughed alone.

I got this empty feeling.
I hate it so much.

It's even harder when you're stressed/worried.


All these feelings gushing out of me :p

I love my family.

I love my friends.

I hope I will be with them till the end.

FOREVER (creepster status)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Part of a GENUINE family.

Our LOVE for each other is obvious and many are envious.

Supporting, SACRIFICING, humbling, loving

LAUGHTER and Sadness.

We go through it all TOGETHER.

GOD thank you for such a blessing.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Three Words

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life ...It goes on"
-Robert Frost

Monday, February 15, 2010



I actually was thinking about this while taking a shower and felt like sharing it.

If you show passion for something its like telling people this is the truth.

Something they can believe in and something you can too.

Show passion to the world in what you believe in, want to do, and live by.

Those passions are the truth to you and will be to the world.

This Life We Have

I am very confused about life and living.

This is not a "I wish I was dead posting", this is a "I wish I was living posting".

The purpose of life with God, Spirit, and this world.

I want to move around and meet the world ! The world with people living in it! (I'm not sure if this even makes sense)

I know I love working with children and learning about health and community.

And right now what I am doing being in school and work is helping me live.

Maybe these are the stepping stones to going out to the world.

Learn to be patient and grow before I step out, and let the lions eat me.

Life is going somewhere and I'm going with it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wait for the song to load :] and then dance

i need to push through these challenges

we can't get anywhere without effort

stay positive

be happy to be alive and experiencing what i have now

i am Happy and so grateful for many things in my life

i have a roof over my head, healthy and a loving family

i thank God for how lucky I am but sometimes not enough

reflecting to help me get through today

today seems like a hard day

we all have these moments

just taking a few minutes to breath

breathing... goood lets do this !! huh rah !

Polar Bear dippping !!!

sometimes you just have to jump !!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010


Gypsy + Jet set way of life

what a life of "luxury"

I need to learn how to surf.

and make lots of money so I can travel and see the world!

How selfish am I ?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Candy and State

I was taking a nap and I had a dream.

I was in Korea with a friend and we decided to move to California near the beach. We were discussing this over a pack of starburst.

So after waking up I decide to go buy starburst.
They are so good.
Now I need to make plans to move to California. I have always wanted to and now I need to make it happen. I having a feeling life will push me towards it.