Thursday, March 25, 2010

What am I going to do now?

What to get done first? (O.O)

Get my application done.
Register for My NCLEX.
Study for NCLEX.
Find a JOB.

I just got done sending in some job application to a couple of hospitals ! Hopefully I will get the job! eEeK !
pray pray pray pray

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week day fun :]

Picture explains it all :] :] :] :]
Paseos = yummy in my tummy MmMm MmMm Good :d


Monday, March 15, 2010

Cant live without family and loved ones

I thought I was strong and could go out a live on my own!
Hoo rah! right?
No, I thought wrong.
I figured out I am such a weakling . (I'm so boring TT.TT)

The past few days I was home alone.
so lonely.
I talked to myself or the dogs.
Ate and laughed alone.

I got this empty feeling.
I hate it so much.

It's even harder when you're stressed/worried.


All these feelings gushing out of me :p

I love my family.

I love my friends.

I hope I will be with them till the end.

FOREVER (creepster status)


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Part of a GENUINE family.

Our LOVE for each other is obvious and many are envious.

Supporting, SACRIFICING, humbling, loving

LAUGHTER and Sadness.

We go through it all TOGETHER.

GOD thank you for such a blessing.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Three Words

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life ...It goes on"
-Robert Frost