Monday, January 24, 2011


(Picture of Collin thinking of way to save the world)

School is making my brain hurt

I guess that's a good thing~


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Im a grown up now ... I think

Trying to make it on my own aint a piece a cake.
Its like learning how to walk again.
You fall down but you get back up again.
And once you learn how to, it comes naturally.
There might be some trip ups on the way and few skips forward.
Soon hopefully I'll be able to run that marathon and win in first place.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Just do the right thing ...

I get so frustrated when people take advantage of other peoples kindness.

Where has the mentality of respect and honor of doing whats right gone in today's generation?

A new year has never started so grim.

I hate to say these things.

I love life and enjoy it.

It is a blessing to be in my shoes.

I know of others worse off and other better.

I don't like being in a state of frustration.

I bring others around me down.

I hate doing that. I try to hide it but I cant.


God! I need your help ... life aint so easy right now. you know what im sayin!?