Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Challenge:

I've decided to work on this blog:

My title is Life Is Beautiful.

There is a reason why I made it the title.

However, I feel like I have been only posting things that are not so beautiful.

From here on, beautiful things will be mentioned but the ugly will not be forgotten.

We live with the good and bad. The way we deal with and look at these negative aspects influence us greatly.

I want to live a positive life.

Last year was grim and I still feel its aura around me.

Life is complicated but God made it beautiful and a place to discover ourselves in our purpose.

To Start it off:

Happy Birthday to me ! I'm the Big 2 4 ! I am quickly learning what it means to be a grown up. Its great though ~! Even though I'm cranky at times, poor Collin ( my Bf)is getting the most of it. He is supportive and understanding ! So blessed to have him in my life !

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